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Song Pages: 01-20   21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100
There are still some problems with different pages placed at different distances below the top of the screen. This has to be measured and corrected. 3/16 went over everything at the tops of the pages. Made sure all were centered, had the same fonts, etc. Maybe it worked.
3/16/15 - All pages are set to 883 (?) px wide in total, regardless of the number of columns on the page. In CSB, they all measure 889 px wide with outside borders set to show. They measure the same when previewed, except that the Song Pages measure 891. This is too small a difference to worry about, but one wonders why it exists.
Columns on "All Songs" pages add up to 883 px. Add 2px for each of 3 internal vertical borders and get 889. Similar situation with the "Song Sheet" pages, but a different number of columns. Check it out.
All pages have Location as Place Next Text Below.  
To format Page Areas, do ALT Enter > Page Area Tab
For the "Sunset" banner at the top of the pages, there are two lines of type: 36 pt and 42 pt, with a type style of Drop Shadow, Soft Edge.
Tablet versions excepted, other than the Colors page, which is one of a kind, all pages have page body left text margin of 58 pixels, with all other text margins at 0.
Fixed the deadurl=no in the WWA citations for all the songs (2/26/15)
Checked all lyrics against the YouTubes - whew! (2/26/15)
Table width is 889 pixels.
Links are #996600 / CSB color 207 (very close to Photoshop Dark Yellow Orange #a3620a) for regular and visited, and #663300 / CSB color 10 when rolled over. Some other pages have black as the rollover color. Probably they should all be the same.
There are four columns with a total width of 883??? px. Individual column widths vary, to accommodate different widths of the text lines within them.
Links are  #996600 / CSB color 207 (very close to Photoshop Dark Yellow Orange #a3620a) for regular and visited, and Black #000000 / CSB color 234 when rolled over. The Home Page has a different rollover color.
There are four-column with a total width of 883??? px. The rightmost column is always 235 px wide. The other column widths vary, to accommodate different widths of the text lines within them.
Links are  #996600 / CSB color 207 (very close to Photoshop Dark Yellow Orange #a3620a) for regular and visited, and Black #000000 / CSB color 234 when rolled over. The Home Page has a different rollover color.
Table width is 889 pixels.
Table width is 889 pixels.
Total table width of 940 is good for the Tablet version. It displays legibly on the Kindle 6 and iPad. Could be a little wider and still fit, I think. Good column widths for Nav Pages are 90, 650, 100, 100. Apparently the vertical lines add another 9 pixels, since pages like this one are 949 wide, and exactly match the total width of the Tablet and Alphabetic pages.
YouTube videos I made and posted for this project:
1. Call You Cowboy  (3:58)
5. The Old Cantina  (4:28)
6. When Roy Rogers Was Around - Barwick (2:53)
7. When Roy Rogers Was Around - Jameson (2:36)
Wikipedia articles I started for this project (36 of them):
Bar D Wranglers (singers)
Bill Barwick (singer)
Buck Ramsey (singer)
Buddy Pepper (songwriter)
Carl Stutz (songwriter)
Curley Fletcher (songwriter)
D. J. O'Malley (songwriter)
Eliot Daniel (songwriter)
Gary McMahan (songwriter)
Inez James (songwriter)
John A. Stone (song collector)
Ken Carson (singer)
Larry Russell (songwriter)
Mary Hadler (songwriter)
Mike Blakely (singer/songwriter)
Mike Taylor (songwriter)
N. Howard Thorp (songwriter/collector)
Tex Owens (songwriter)
V. C. Gilbert (songwriter)
W. C. Jameson (songwriter)
I also added Western Writers Top 100 information, properly cited, to each of the songs' Wikipedia articles or mentions in that work.
Be in touch with the WWA to be sure that the citations, etc. are accurate. Best would be to get their original magazine articles about the survey and the announcement of the results.
Get Dave Gordon info from his widow.
Get in communication with Anica Stemper.
Check that the album versions of the songs are the same as the YouTube versions. (There have been untracked changes.)
Correct the .docx versions of the lyrics, add a download link to the home page.
Update the Tablet version: Bacharach & David, Oklahoma versions, all lyrics.

Verify these:
Stephen van Dorn (#50, Gunfight at the O.K. Corral). Is the YouTube singer really the guy on the website?

Get a second YouTube version for these Songs:

These songs have second versions by acceptable amateurs:

Consider creating Wikipedia links for these Songs:
1. 20 - Coyotes (Anica Stemper - Alternate Version)
3. 57 - Call You Cowboy (Scott Bragonier - Alternate Version)
4. 78 - Summer Wages (Read about this song. Use Discogs and others. Google Discogs summer wages.)

Photoshop Elements 9 Color
Closest CSB Color
Darker Warm Brown
Dark Warm Brown
Medium Warm Brown
Light Warm Brown
Pale Warm Brown
Darker Cool Brown
Dark Cool Brown
Medium Cool Brown
Light Cool Brown
Pale Cool Brown
Unnamed CSB Color

Website Copyright 2020 Skip Skipson. All rights reserved. Copyright of all songs, lyrics, images, performances, etc. presented or linked to here remains with the owners of that material. This compilation is intended only for commentary, research, teaching, and scholarship. Other uses are strictly prohibited.